Now is the time of year when things start to get a little more tense around the school building. The year is half-way completed, the second set of conferences are quickly approaching, and TESTING seems to be looming.
I have found that cramming for state tests is not beneficial for my students. It stresses them, retention is limited, and there are so many positive ways to keep them focused as testing season approaches. However, every moment of instructional time counts.
For that reason, I created this Waiting in Line Challenge! It is a fun tool to keep students thinking throughout transitional times. Simply print, laminate, and cut the question cards. Bring along with your WHEREVER you go with students. During any moment, challenge students to answer what is on the ELA testing terms cards. Provide some little incentive-bonus point, school money, stickers, etc.
The time our students spend in line at school steals hours of instruction and learning time every week. Instead wasting the moments, you can spend them challenging your students. I would love for you to try it out with your kiddos and let me know how they respond!