I am always looking for new ways to begin that very first day of the school year. It is an amazing time where we set the tone for what is to come in the days and months of our exciting time together.
This year, rather than have students complete a signature scavenger hunt where they are all over the room, I created a PDF resource that allows them to sit, listen, and chit chat. You can have students rotate around the room, if you wish, but allow students to share their thoughts with a partner or in small groups to truly enhance their focus and discussion.
This Getting to Know YOU! Back to School Chit Chat Cards resource includes:
• 28-chit chat cards with high-interest questions
• directions for use
• ccss covered
Your students will love getting to know you and their peers in a fun way! By allowing time to talk and get to know one another, you are helping them to feel connected to school and their classroom environment. Everyone wants to feel like they are connected and have friends.
Erin Beers –
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